Future<PrivateKey> getPrivateKey({DataStorage storage })

Get a Private Key using the specified storage strategy. If storage is not specified, it uses the LocalDataStorage class.


Future<PrivateKey> getPrivateKey({DataStorage storage}) async {
  if (_cachedPrivateKey != null) {
    return _cachedPrivateKey;

  if (storage == null) {
    storage = LocalDataStorage.INSTANCE;

  String keyPath = "dsa_key:${window.location.pathname}";
  String keyLockPath = "dsa_key_lock:${window.location.pathname}";
  String randomToken = "${new DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}"
    " ${DSRandom.instance.nextUint16()}"
    " ${DSRandom.instance.nextUint16()}";

  bool hasKeyPath = false;

  if (storage is SynchronousDataStorage) {
    hasKeyPath = (storage as SynchronousDataStorage).hasSync(keyPath);
  } else {
    hasKeyPath = await storage.has(keyPath);

  if (hasKeyPath) {
    if (storage is SynchronousDataStorage) {
      (storage as SynchronousDataStorage).storeSync(keyLockPath, randomToken);
    } else {
      await storage.store(keyLockPath, randomToken);

    await new Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 20));
    String existingToken;
    String existingKey;

    if (storage is SynchronousDataStorage) {
      existingToken = (storage as SynchronousDataStorage).getSync(keyLockPath);
      existingKey = (storage as SynchronousDataStorage).getSync(keyPath);
    } else {
      existingToken = await storage.get(keyLockPath);
      existingKey = await storage.get(keyPath);

    if (existingToken == randomToken) {
      if (storage is LocalDataStorage) {
        _startStorageLock(keyLockPath, randomToken);
      _cachedPrivateKey = new PrivateKey.loadFromString(existingKey);
      return _cachedPrivateKey;
    } else {
      // use temp key, don't lock it;
      keyLockPath = null;

  _cachedPrivateKey = await PrivateKey.generate();

  if (keyLockPath != null) {
    if (storage is SynchronousDataStorage) {
      (storage as SynchronousDataStorage).storeSync(keyPath, _cachedPrivateKey.saveToString());
      (storage as SynchronousDataStorage).storeSync(keyLockPath, randomToken);
    } else {
      await storage.store(keyPath, _cachedPrivateKey.saveToString());
      await storage.store(keyLockPath, randomToken);

    if (storage is LocalDataStorage) {
      _startStorageLock(keyLockPath, randomToken);

  return _cachedPrivateKey;