clientLink is not needed when websocket works in server link
WebSocketConnection(this.socket, this.clientLink, { this.onConnect, bool enableAck: false, DsCodec useCodec }) { if (useCodec != null) { codec = useCodec; } if (!enableAck) { nextMsgId = -1; } socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; _responderChannel = new PassiveChannel(this); _requesterChannel = new PassiveChannel(this); socket.onMessage.listen(_onData, onDone: _onDone); socket.onClose.listen(_onDone); socket.onOpen.listen(_onOpen); // TODO, when it's used in client link, wait for the server to send {allowed} before complete this _onRequestReadyCompleter.complete(new Future.value(_requesterChannel)); pingTimer = new Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 20), onPingTimer); }