Configure the link.
If argp
is provided for argument parsing, it is used.
This includes:
- processing command-line arguments
- setting broker urls
- loading dslink.json files
- loading or creating private keys
bool configure({ArgParser argp, OptionResultsHandler optionsHandler}) { _configured = true; if (link != null) { link.close(); link = null; } if (argp == null) { argp = _argp == null ? _argp = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: !strictOptions) : _argp; } argp.addOption("broker", abbr: "b", help: "Broker URL", defaultsTo: ""); argp.addOption("name", abbr: "n", help: "Link Name"); argp.addOption("home", help: "Home"); argp.addOption("token", help: "Token"); argp.addOption("base-path", help: "Base Path for DSLink"); argp.addOption("watch-file", help: "Watch File for DSLink", hide: true); argp.addOption("log-file", help: "Log File for DSLink"); List<String> logLevelNames =; logLevelNames.addAll(["auto", "debug"]); argp.addOption("log", abbr: "l", allowed: logLevelNames, help: "Log Level", defaultsTo: "AUTO"); argp.addFlag("help", abbr: "h", help: "Displays this Help Message", negatable: false); argp.addFlag("discover", abbr: "d", help: "Automatically Discover a Broker", negatable: false); argp.addFlag("strictTls", help: "Enforces valid SSL/TLS certificates for secure connections to " + "broker."); ArgResults opts = _parsedArguments = argp.parse(args); if (opts["log"] == "auto") { if (DEBUG_MODE) { updateLogLevel("all"); } else { updateLogLevel(defaultLogLevel); } } else { updateLogLevel(opts["log"]); } if (opts["base-path"] != null) { _basePath = opts["base-path"]; if (_basePath.endsWith("/")) { _basePath = _basePath.substring(0, _basePath.length - 1); } } if (opts["watch-file"] != null) { _watchFile = opts["watch-file"]; } _logFile = opts["log-file"]; if (opts["strictTls"]) { strictTls = true; } if (_logFile != null) { var file = new File(_logFile); if (!file.existsSync()) { file.createSync(recursive: true); } logger.clearListeners(); IOSink out = _logFileOut = file.openWrite(mode: FileMode.APPEND); logger.onRecord.listen((record) { out.writeln("[${new}][${}] ${record.message}"); if (record.error != null) { out.writeln(record.error); } if (record.stackTrace != null) { out.writeln(record.stackTrace); } out.flush(); }); } if (_watchFile != null) { var file = new File(_watchFile); StreamSubscription sub; sub = FileSystemEvent.DELETE).listen((_) { close(); sub.cancel(); if (_logFileOut != null) { try { _logFileOut.close(); } catch (e) {} } }); } if (const bool.fromEnvironment("dslink.debugger.console", defaultValue: false)) { readStdinLines().listen((String cmd) { if (cmd == "list-stored-nodes") { if (provider is SimpleNodeProvider) { SimpleNodeProvider prov = provider; print(prov.nodes.keys.join("\n")); } else { print("Not a SimpleNodeProvider."); } } else if (cmd == "list-stub-nodes") { if (provider is SimpleNodeProvider) { SimpleNodeProvider prov = provider; for (var node in prov.nodes.values) { Path p = new Path(node.path); if (prov.nodes[p.parentPath] == null) { print(node.path); } else if (!prov.nodes[p.parentPath].children.containsKey( { print(node.path); } } } else { print("Not a SimpleNodeProvider."); } } }); } { var runtimeConfig = Zone.current["dslink.runtime.config"]; if (runtimeConfig != null) { var closeHandler = () { close(); if (_logFileOut != null) { try { _logFileOut.close(); } catch (e) {} } }; runtimeConfig["closeHandler"] = closeHandler; } } String helpStr = "usage: $command [--broker URL] [--log LEVEL] [--name NAME] [--discover]"; if (opts["help"]) { print(helpStr); print(argp.usage); if (exitOnFailure) { exit(1); } else { return false; } } brokerUrl = opts["broker"]; if (brokerUrl == null && !opts["discover"]) { print( "No Broker URL Specified. One of [--broker, --discover] is required."); print(helpStr); print(argp.usage); if (exitOnFailure) { exit(1); } else { return false; } } String name = opts["name"]; home = opts["home"]; token = opts["token"]; if (name != null) { if (name.endsWith("-")) { prefix = name; } else { prefix = "${name}-"; } } // load configs File dslinkFile = new File("${_basePath}/dslink.json"); if (dslinkFile.existsSync()) { var e; try { String configStr = dslinkFile.readAsStringSync(); dslinkJson = DsJson.decode(configStr); } catch (err) { e = err; } if (dslinkJson == null) { logger.severe("Invalid dslink.json", e); if (exitOnFailure) { exit(1); } else { return false; } } } else { dslinkJson = {}; } if (brokerUrl != null) { if (!brokerUrl.startsWith("http")) { brokerUrl = "http://$brokerUrl"; } } File keyFile = getConfig("key") == null ? new File("${_basePath}/.dslink.key") : new File.fromUri(Uri.parse(getConfig("key"))); String key; try { key = keyFile.readAsStringSync(); privateKey = new PrivateKey.loadFromString(key); } catch (err) {} if (key == null || key.length != 131) { // 43 bytes d, 87 bytes Q, 1 space // generate the key if (DSRandom.instance.needsEntropy) { String macs; if (Platform.isWindows) { macs = Process.runSync("getmac", []).stdout.toString(); } else { try { macs = Process.runSync("arp", ["-an"]).stdout.toString(); } catch (e) { try { var envs = ""; for (var i in Platform.environment.keys) { envs += "${i}=${Platform.environment[i]}\n"; } macs = envs; } catch (e) {} } } // randomize the PRNG with the system mac (as well as timestamp) DSRandom.instance.addEntropy(macs); } privateKey = new PrivateKey.generateSync(); key = privateKey.saveToString(); if (savePrivateKey) { keyFile.writeAsStringSync(key); } } SimpleNode.initEncryption(privateKey.saveToString()); if (opts["discover"]) { _discoverBroker = true; } if (optionsHandler != null) { optionsHandler(opts); } return true; }